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Tech & Founder Podcasts

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In unserem Podcast sprechen wir mit Startups aus der Technologiefabrik und mit Persönlichkeiten aus der Szene über Technologien, Trends und Zukunftsthemen…
Current news

7. June 2023
Jüngst war der Technologieausschuss der IHK Karlsruhe in der Technologiefabrik Karlsruhe GmbH zu Gast – zahlreiche Pitches und Vorträge standen…
Innovation meets inventiveness
The path from idea to innovation needs not only time but also space. Unfortunately, we can’t influence time, but we can provide you with the right space for your company – and in an extremely attractive location. With a varied combination of research facilities and innovative start-ups, the Technologiefabrik in the TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe is a tech-incubator and innovation hub and as such, offers the ideal environment for your entrepreneurial future.
Being well connected is half the battle
We support you with the necessary services so that you can concentrate on the essentials. With our network of universities, research institutions, and companies, we can always find the right contact person for your requests.
80+ companiesare currently located at Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7, developing innovative ideas and products.
500+ peoplework daily in the Technologiefabrik. Most of them work in technology-focused start-ups, while several are also active in the education and research field.
35+ nationsare represented here. These include company founders from Haiti, to employees from Chile – all working together under one roof.
»Die Technologiefabrik und ihr Team bieten ein ideales Umfeld mit optimaler Infrastruktur für junge Unternehmen: Kompetent, türöffnend und sehr freundlich!«
Philipp Csernalabics